vorarlberg museum

In the summer of 2013, the reconstructed and enlarged vorarlberg museum was reopened in Bregenz. The museum deals with the region’s past and present, currently hosting exhibitions on Vorarlberg. Alongside the exhibitions, guided visits, talks with scientists, talk cafés and a string of other events are staged.

In the facade design for the new museum are Vorarlberg's architecture and art in the truest sense of the word from a single source. The intensive and close cooperation between the architect and the south tyrolean artist Manfred Alois Mayr reflects into a facade relief, which is in constant communication with the daylight and the seasons with its light-shadow play originated.

The facade of the cuboidal extension is apparently adorned with a floral ornament. But actually, the alleged blossoms are casts of 16656 bottoms of PET bottles that are supposed to refer to ceramics from the Roman Age, sheltered by the museum. The arrangement of these bottoms of bottles, which were produced using liquid polyurethane, was calculated by the artists Manfred Alois Mayr and Urs Beat Roth who also instructed the pouring of the concrete of the walls. The latter was done in only one single pass.